My preferred color pallete

My preferred color pallete

I finally bought some hosting and decided I could use this space for whatever the fuck I wanted… hence I will start by posting something useful to me :P bellow I will attach a .css file snippet of my favorite color palletes

SS of Hex Material Palenight Colors
colors {
	/* Material */
	background-color: #37474f;
	background-color: #263238;

	/* Material Palenight Darker */
	background-color: #23232D; /* Dark RGBA(35, 35, 45, 1)*/
	background-color: #2c2c36; /* Lighter RGBA(44, 44, 54, 1)*/
	background-color: #3b3b4b;  /* Accent color UI Elements */
	color: #575772; /* Accent Color RGBA(87, 87, 114, 1)*/
	color: #959DCB; /* Foreground RGBA(149, 157, 203, 1)*/

	/* Discord fonts */
	color: #fff;
	color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.6);
	color: #7289da; /* Discord Accent RGBA(114, 137, 218, 1)*/
	color: #e0e0e0; /* Gray Text */

	/* Primary Colors */
	background-color: #66bb6a; /* Success */
	background-color: #e57373; /* Error */